Inspired Designs
Somewhere to park the muddy boots after walking the dog, somewhere to hang coats, store umbrellas and easy access to outdoor gear, Boot Rooms by Haydown Kitchens as as cleverly designed to meet your functional needs as our kitchens are.
"Our experience with Haydown Kitchens was nothing short of exceptional. We couldn't be happier with the outcome and would highly recommend Haydown Kitchens to anyone in their search of top-tier design and installation services." - Owner
Designing your dream Boot Room with Haydown Kitchens is a sleek and engaging process. We like to get to know our customers, to understand your lifestyle and to figure out what it is that we need to allow for in the design that will create the lifestyle change that you are looking for.
"Haydown have been brilliant from start to finish. The design and ordering process was simple and we always felt genuinely welcome. The showroom was lovely and the list of options seemed endless! At no point did we feel rushed or pressured into buying anything."
We are keen to explore your idea, so get in touch today to book an appointment with one of the team.
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